THE 5TH DAY INTO THE EFFUTU FESTIVAL CELEBRATION-The Aboakyere Festival. - Starz News Online

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The Effutus hold in high esteem their festival; the Aboakyer festival also known as the deer hunt festival. It is a festival celebrated annually by the Asafo Companies to pacify their war god Apa Sekum. The Aboakyer festival has gone through several phases since the inception of the celebration.                                                                                                                                                                                                        There has been an introduction of deities for the youth of both the Tuafo No. 1 Asafo company and Dentsefo No. 2 Asafo company during the celebration.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 On the 5th day in the festival celebration, both parties;{Tuafo No.1 and Dentsefo No.2) will carry their superior gods for the last time per their tradition where two selected males from each group will carry each group god on their heads followed their members. It is assumed that, it is the gods that lead various groups as to which path to tread.
 This is known to be the supposed incident to be carried out on the 5th day before the deer hunting day which normally takes place on the 6th day during the celebration.

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